Too Many Selfies equals why You’re Still Single

Too many selfies equals single

Too Many Selfies Equals why you’re still Single?

By Mark White

Ladies: Ever wonder why you’re hot but still single? I mean you’ve just posted your third selfie of the day and you’re finding fewer and fewer “likes” from men. What gives, right? Here are the top 5 reasons why too many selfies equals staying single:

Makes you seem crazy. I’m sorry ladies, but to men when you post way too many selfies: like of each outfit, each time you’re in your car, each hairstyle, each work out day, each workout outfit, each workout rep for that matter…….I mean WTF!—When men see this, it is an immediate red flag. It tells us not only that you’re still single but more importantly why you’re still single!—It tells us you may be a whole lot of crazy and crazy equals stay away! Which is why you’re finding men running from you long term.

Makes you seem too needy. Not Fair? OK let’s analyze this from a psychological stand point–What is it about you that makes you think your face is what every man needs to see each time we log on to our social media page? I’m sorry but this will have the opposite effect you intend it to have. It makes you appear way too needy. This is the same turn off you women say is true about the so-called “nice guy”–(..IE. boring and not a challenge to go after, right?) OK, so let me tell you why you’re striking out with men– when a man sees you and is interested, instead of asking his or your friends about you; or even just saying f-it and walking across the bar to start a conversation with you, (which both used to be norm), now we first just simply find out your name, go online and do some “research” on your Facebook page. (…And believe me we do when we’re interested) If we look and see nothing but selfie after selfie, or one dumb saying after another, or an endless list of complaining on how you were wronged again; then trust me we’ll bounce! Our pursuit of you will be over before you even knew it had begun saving us the trouble of having to get rid of you later. (Sorry, but truth hurts!)

Makes you seem too available. Too available is just as bad as being too needy. There’s nothing wrong with being single and available; millions of people are and that’s a good thing. But if you look good and you’re still finding yourself single and wondering why, then perhaps your multiple selfies or artificial posts on social media may be the problem. I mean let’s be real here, everyone knows why you’re taking that 3rd bikini pic of yourself and it’s not cause you’re enjoying the sun. Everyone knows you’re counting your “likes” after each new sexy pic waiting to see who’s showing interest or who’s not. All men can see through this. Stop using Facebook as a dating profile or an advertisement that you’re single!–It makes you seem way too available and needy.

Makes you look narcissistic. Now that social media has brought us all an opportunity to “get to know someone before even meeting them” both men and women can now afford to be more selective with who they chose to get involved with. So watch what you post! This means your social media page should have a lot more mystery to it. Feel free to post your likes and dislikes, as well as pics of you with friends and family, co workers, your children, accomplishments you are proud of..etc—But not the fourth outfit change of the day or every minute detail of your day, this is purely narcissistic behavior and who wants to get involved with someone who indulges in such selfie love?

Makes you seem annoying. Lastly, ask yourself would you be annoyed if someone came by every day and posted a picture of themselves on your cubical wall at work? If the answer’s Yes, then our cubical wall is our computer screen and when we see you on it every freakin second, we start to not ever want to see you again. —Thus the reason why men are not chasing you and you’re single still—Your selfies are annoying us!! Stop Now, Please! Speaking on behalf of every man, do us all a favor and try posting no selfies for the next few months and see how much better you start to do date wise. (..and please do everyone a huge favor and erase the millions of others you have posted previously…Trust me, your social life will be glad you did:)

Further Reading:

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